Saturday, January 6, 2018


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  Look at a map and it will show you the position of the continents. But in fact our world is always changing. Earth ‘s surface is spilt up into large slabs called tectonic plates. The plates steadily shift around, carring continents and oceans with them. When they collide, new mountain ranges are pushed up. Afterwards, over millions of years, wind, water, and ice gradually weasr the mountains down.

 Continental drift

  Overmillions of years, tectonic plates have moved, shifting around the continents on earth’s surface. Chunks of continents split away and push into euch other, creating new land masses and moving the oceans in a process called continental drift’’.
200 millons years ago: the super continent Pangaea has just begun to break into two two main landmasses.
130 million years ago: india has escaped from the southern landmasses, and is slowing moving north, toward asia.
70million years ago: south America has spilt from afica , north America is spiltting from Europe.
Today: Australia has separated from Antarctica, and lndia, forming the himalays


  The continents get rearranged because they are carried along as parts of moving plates. The process has been going on for billons of years, and is thought to be caused by slow, heat- driven movment in earth ,s mantle.

Yearly shift

  Plate typically move at a rate of about 2.5 cm(1in) in a year. That’s about as fast as your finger- up to 10cm (4in) a year.

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