Sunday, January 7, 2018


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Earth’s climate

  Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that supports life. It can do this because it has a unique atmosphere, water, and weather that living organisms can survive in. Almost every part of our planet is occupied by some form of life-from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains. However,the different climates across the wold affect how many and what type of species live in each place. Tropical regions are teeming with life while only extreme survivors can live in polar wastes and deserts.

Earth’s biomes

  Communities of plants and animals are different as a result of the climate they develop in. There are five main groups of communities,or biomes-water,deserts,forests,grasslands, and tundra.Most of these biomes cam be broken down further:for example,there are coiniferous forests, deciduous forests,and tropical rainforests.The size and location of Earth’s biomes has changed very slowly over geological tim .The most recent changes have mainly been caused by human activity.

What makes a climate?

  A climate is an average wather pattern that occurs in a set area over many years. The climate experienced at a certain location is influenced by its distance from the equator, evevation above sea level, the amount of sunlight it gets, and how nearby circulation patterns in the ocean and atmosphere affect it. TEMPERATURE-places near Earth’s equator generally have higher average temperatures and more diverse ecosystems. RAINFALL-Atmospheric circulation creates zones of high and low rainfallaround Earth-some areas get much more rain than others.

The seasons

  There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each has its own climate conditions and hours of daylight. The seasons differ in the northern and southern hemispheres and are more distinct further away from the equator, because of the Earth’s axis of rotation.

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