Friday, January 19, 2018



You’ve probably had sand blown in your face on the beach , so you’ve ll known that winds can be strong enough to pick up dust, grit, sand, and soil particles. These sediment particles can be carried over huge distances. Wind erosion and despostion(the laying down of sediment) typically happen in dry place with little environments are known as desest and often contain sand dunes.

Sand dunes

    The more powerful a wind is, the futher it can carry sediment particle before dropping them to the ground. As they roll and bounce on the ground, these particles create small, - shaped ripples. These ripples sometimes build up into larger fomartion, called dunes can grow to many mts high and several kmts long.

Wind erosion

   Over time, the constant lashing of winds can wear away at exposed rock surfaces. This wind erosion produces weird-looking and unstable formations, which eventually collapse in most cases. Even very hard rock may be slowing shaped and polished by sand-blasting. Barren landscapes can be created if all the soil in an area is blown away by the wind.Rocky arch -Sand-blasting can create strange shapes from rocks, such as this natural arch in the arches national park, u s a.

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