Tuesday, January 23, 2018


The Mesozoic era

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  The age of dinosaurs began 230 million year ago , during the Triassic period. This was the first of three periods that made up the Mesozoic era. The earliest dinosaurs had to compete with other types of reptile, but many of these became extinct at the end of the Triassic, allowing dinosaurs to flourish during the Jurassic period. The last period, the cretaceous , saw the evolution of an amazing variety of dinosaurs, including the fearsome tyrannosaurs.
TRIASSIC EARTH: from 252 to 201 million year ago , all the continents were joined together in a huge super contitent with a vast desert at its heart. Most planet and animals lived near the fringes. JURASSIC EARTH : the supercontinent split in two near the beginning of the Jurassic period. The desert food shrank, and the growth of lush forests provided food for huge plant-eating dinosaurs.CRETACEOUS EARTH: the jurssic period gave way to the cretaceous 145 million years fragmented, allowing many different types of dinosaur to evolve in various lands.


  The Mesozoic era ended 66 millon years ago with a mass extinction event that eliminated all dinosaurs except the birds. It may have been caused by the impact of a giant asteroid in what is now mexico. At the same time, huge volcanoes were erupting in lndia, and the combination must have have had catastrophic effects on the climate.
Asteroid impact
The asteroid that hit mexico 66million years ago was at least 10km(6ml) wide. The high –speed rock would have filled the atmosphere with debris and dust, blotting out sun for many years.

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