Sunday, January 14, 2018


Rocks and minarals

    Our planet is mostly made of solid rock. Rock is what gives earth its features – mountains, canyons, and plains. Minarals are building block of every types of rock.
Most of earth’s rocks are hidden under a layer of layer of soil and vegetation canyons. Many different types of of rock have developed over billion of years, through a variety of processes. These include volcanic activity, which create rocks at a near the surface, the formation of sediments
In place like the seafloor, and changes in form –called metamorphism- brought about byheat and pressure deep within our planet. These processes are linked in a never- ending cycle, known as the rock cycle.

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The rock cycle 

   Rock transform from one type into anthor in to endless cycle. Many factors contribute to this process. Both on earth surface and in to its interior. On the surface, rock is broken down by wethering , and glacier , river, and winds erode rocks by carrying particles of them away. Sediment made of tiny particle of rock. lnside earth, heat , pressure, and melting change sedimentary and volcanoes are formed that create new igeous rock.subdution when two tectonic plate move towards each other, one plate can be slowing pushed under the of the other
.the rocks and minerals are divided the various of stones they are:
Native elements
These minerals each contain a single chemical element such as sulhurp, carbon, or a metal such as copper.
These minerals contain two or more chemical elements. For example, fluorite contains calcium and fluorine.

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