Wednesday, January 17, 2018



    Any kind of falling moisture is called precipitation.Precipitation varied widely, from the tiny dropiets of clouds or fog to larger drops of rain, hall, or snow. Whether water falls from a cloud as rain or snow depends on how cold the air temperature .

Types of precipitation

      Different types of precipitation can fall from the sky or rise from the ground, depending on the temperature conditions. Rain-Clouds are made of tiny droplets of water. Rain falls when these droplets become too heavy to float in the air. Snow-Snowflakes form when water droplets freeze into crystals, which then stick together as they fall through very cold air. Sleet-Sleet is a mixture of snow and rain. It forms when rain begins to freeze or when snow begins to melt in air that is above freezing. Hail-Hailstones are ice pellets that grow from ice crystals in freeing storm clouds. Taller the clouds, bigger the hailstones. Fog- forms near ground level, when warm, moisture-laden air is cooled by contact with a cold ground or sea surface.

Cloud formation

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     When sun shines on seas and lakes, some of the water they hold evaporates into the warm air. This warm water vapour then rises up and away from earth’s surface. As the air rises, it cools. Because cold air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, the water vapour condenses and form clouds. Clouds that form very high in atmosphere above 5000m (16500 ft) are made of ice crystals rather than the water vapour.
Cloud types.
There are three main groups of clouds, though they each have many variations. Cumulus form in bulging heaps, stratus is layered, and cirrus are wispy or fibrous. A cloud’s shape reflects the amount of moisture in the atmosphere and how it moves. Clouds are named according to their shape, size and how high up they form in the atmosphere.

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