Thursday, January 18, 2018



     Earth’s most destructive storms occur in tropical regions, above warm waters. They produce torrential rains and extremely fast winds, which can exceed 248 kph (155 mph).Hurricanes form in late summer, above warm waters. They begin when clusters of thunderstorms whirl together, evolving into complex structures with vast spiral bands of rain . The low pressure created by these structures draws warm ,moist air across the ocean. This air then rises, releasing torrential rains and heat energy. Wind speeds above 120 kph combine with the low pressure to create storm surges of seawater many metres high that flood over coastal regions as the hurricane nears land. When hurricanes pass over land they are no longer fed by heat from the warm ocean water, and they soon lose force but often not before they inflict massive damage with their heavy winds, torrential rains, and gigantic waves.
Naming the storm

    Hurricanes have the same structure and evolve in the same way wherever they are. However, how they are named depends on the part of the world they occur in . This map shows what they are called in different parts of the world.

How a hurricane forms

     Hurricanes are the result of interaction between heat ,water,and wind. As clouds produce rain,they release heat and rise to around 8 km above sea lavel. Here, increasing preussure pushed the uppermost clouds outward, lowering the pressure at sea level.this cause winds speed to increase and draw in even more heat and moisture from the ocean surface.

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