Saturday, October 14, 2017


The Solar System

The force of gravity generated by the Sun’s vast mass keeps
a family of planets and other bodies trapped in orbit around it . Together, the
Sun and all these bodies make up our Solar System. Our Sun formed from a great
could of dust and gas around 4.6 billion years ago.Vastamounts of matter were
drawn in by the developing star, but not all of it was fully absorbed. A tiny
fraction of leftover material-a mere 0.14 per cent of the Solar System’s
mass-formed a disc of gas and dust encircling the  newborn star. Over millions of years, the
grains of dust in this disc clumped together,growing into ever larger bodies
until they grew to the size of planets,pulled 
into spheres by their own gravity.In the inner Solar system, where the
Sun’s heat was too intense for gases to condense, planets formed from  rock and metal. In the outer Solar
System,gases condensed to form much bigger planets.Today the Solar System
haseight planets, more then 100 moons,an unknown number of dwarf planets, and
countless millions of coments and asteroids.

The Solar System

The Solar System’s planets form two groups. Ther are  four small,inner planets made of rock and
metal, and four giant, outer planets made of gas and liquid.Between the two is
a belt of rocky bodies called asteroids,and beyond the planets is a zone of icy
bodies including dwarf planets and comets. Even further out is a vast,spherical
cloud of more comets-the Oort Cloud.The SolarSystem has no agreed outer


The Sun is like a vast nuclear power station that produces
energy by converting hydrogen into helium .It is the only star we can study
close up.


The closest planet to the Sun,Mercury is alos the smallest
planet. Its surface is scarred by ancient craters.


Though similar in size to Earth,Venus is a hellish world
where any visiting astronaut would be crushed and boiled alive.


Our home planet is the only place known to support life,
thanks to the liqid water on itssurface


Mars is a bitterly cold, desert world. Like Earth ,it has
mountains,canyons, and icy poles.


The second biggest planet is striking for the dazzling
system of bright rings that encircle it.It has 62 moons and dozens more


The largst planet in the solar system.Jupiter is more
massive than all the other planets put together. It has its own family too
,with at lest 67 moons,some as big as planets


Blue giant Uranus orbits the sun tipped over on its side. Perhaps
because of a crash with a smaller world.It has 27 moons.


The most distant planet.Nneptune is a blue giant with 13
known moons.  It takes Neptune nearly 164
years to orbit the sun one.

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