Saturday, January 27, 2018


Types of fossil

   Many fossils are shells or bones that have been turned to stone, but there are other types of fossils. Some are animals that were not turned to stone but simply preserved, like files in amber. Stony fossils can impression of something rather then its entire form, such as a footprint. These types of trace fossils can tell us a lot about how long -extinct animals lived.

Preserved in amber

   This mosquite was trapped in sticky tree resin million of year ago, and preserved because the resin hardened into a fossilized form called amber.
From wood to stone
Plant are fossilized as well as animals remains entrie tree trunks can be turned to stone (a process known as pertrification), which preserves the cell structure of the timber.
Leaving an impression
Sometimes an organism, such as this marine animals dickinsonia, sinks into soft mud that turn to rock, but then dissovoles to leave impression of its shape called a mould.
Natural cast
Minerals dissolved in water can slowly build up inside a mould re-creating the shape of the organism. This fossil ammonite was creating by such a process.
Trace fossil
This three –toed footprint was left in mud by a predatory dinosaur more than 66million year ago. A line of such print shows the animals stride length and how it moved.

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