Tuesday, January 30, 2018


for  life

All living thing  share 
certain  basic needs  they 
must  have   waters, 
for  without  it 
the  chemistry  of 
life  is  not 

possible.  The  fact  that  earth has 
liquid water  on its  surface 
is  main   reason 
why  most  of   these  basic 

warth          shelter         nutrients           energy          oxygen         living space

living requirement

all  living thing needed  the 
same  essentials many  have 
more  specific  requirement for  explain 
, plants and animals gets their energy in very different ways –
plants  needed sunlight, while animals
needs  energy-rich foods. But few forms
of life can manage without most of these basic necessities.

Energy pyramid

naturals  habitats have many
organisms  that produce  food, 
and several levels  of  food 
consumers.  This  patch 
of  wild  grassland 
supported  several rabbits, and
only  one fox-the top predator. There are
fewer consumers at the upper  level,  because 
at  each  level  some 
energy  is turned into
activity   and  heat 
instead of food  for the next  link in the chain.  This 
means  that  it 
takes  a lot   of grass  
to  support  one 
fox,  and   explains 
why  foxes  are 
much  rarer  than 

Under threat

every  kingdom  of 
life  there  are 
species that are  threatened  with  
extinction.  There are  many  
reasons  for  this , 
but  most of them are the
result  of humans  activity. Some animals are deliberately
killed  ,including  rare species. 
Vast  areases of  wild 
habitat have been  destroyed,   denying 
wildlife  its  basic 
needs  such  as 
living  space   and food. 
But  creating wildlife
reserve  can  help save 
many  species and  plants 
destroyed  of habitats such
as  tropical  rain forest is  threating the 
amazing  diversity of  plants life. Although fish  are not as 
threating as some  animals,
pollution and  overfishing have  made 
many  species  scarce. the hardest hit of all are the frogs,
salamanders, and other amphibians, 
with  a third of  all known 
species vanishing fast. 
Hunting  and  losing 
of their  natural  habitals 
have made  the  future 
uncertain  for  at 
least  12 per  cent 
of   birds species. One  in every 
five  mammals  species 
is  threatened,  including gaint such  as rhinos 
and  elephants.

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